Monday, December 5, 2011

It's still a man's world.

Making light of sexual harassment has lit me up!
The recent allegations of sexual misconduct by presidential candidate Herman Cain has Mr. Cain and some of his supporters downplaying sexual misconduct. Passing off sexual harassment as no big deal is part of the problem.  Cain’s actions following these allegations speak volumes about what this man really thinks of women.  And ladies, it’s not in our favor.  And he’s not the only chauvinist pig out there.  Yeah, I said it.  I’ve seen his kind before.
I’ve been a victim of sexual harassment. Not in recent years, of course.  Now that I’m older, fatter and less attractive, I don’t have to worry about that anymore.  Thank goodness.  When I worked for a company in Shreveport, the manager harassed me constantly by suggesting that I could move into higher positions if I knew what ‘other’ positions to take.  When I worked for a local manufacturing company years ago, the head of that company was a little more graphic about what ‘position’ I could take to really be successful.  He had no fear in telling me what kind of favors he would accept in return for other favors.  And believe me, I’m being kind here.   If you knew what they really said, you would call me a liar.  These are only two incidents.  There were many others.  
Being a young professional and working with powerful men was a constant challenge.  In most cases I ended up leaving their employment for another job.  And as I got a little older, I started my own businesses. 
I saw a TV ad by past presidential hopeful Mike Huckaby recently where he poked fun at it by suggesting that some fast food chain worker who called him ‘honey’ could be considered for sexual harassment.  How ridiculous!  And that’s the message he was hoping to relay to the American people.
Sexual harassment allegations should be taken seriously. It’s not easy to stand up to that kind of humiliation.  Not much has changed in the nearly 25 years since my first encounter with professional men consumed with power and ‘position.’

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