Monday, November 26, 2012

December 21st

It was December. Four days before Christmas.  We were living in a little subdivision in Doyline, Louisiana. I was 8 years old.  My grand parents had arrived from East St. Louis, Missouri just in time for the Christmas holidays. We didn't get to see my grandparents that often, so it was so nice to have them with us.

I woke up feeling pretty excited. I could smell oatmeal cooking in the kitchen. I thought maybe this is when they're going to notice. I went to the kitchen and my sweet grandmother offered me a bowl of oatmeal. I ate it slowly and remember it being the best bowl of oatmeal I had ever eaten. I don't know what made it so great. Maybe it was just simply that my grandmother, whom I didn't get to see that often, made it for me.

The morning passed and I thought maybe they're going to wait until lunch to say something. Lunch came and went and I went about my day.  Supper. That's it! They're going to do it at supper time. Well, supper came and went and still not a word.

I went to bed that night and fell asleep still not believing that no one noticed. I'm not sure sure what time it was when my mother woke me up.  She sat on the edge of my bed and whispered "Oh Christine, I'm so sorry."  She then walked over to the closet and above the hang ups, she pulled out a box. It was  "Easy Money," a knock off of Monopoly.  She handed me the unwrapped game and said, "Happy Birthday, hon."

I fell back asleep but not without thinking how could my entire family have forgotten my birthday. I was so young and inexperienced in these matters. So, I didn't know to be mad or sad. But I do remember thinking that I would never set myself up for this kind of disappointment again. I would figure that this was going to happen again. And if it did, I would be ready.

I haven't thought about this that often in my life but I have realized for whatever reason that I have spent my life downplaying my birthday. Giving excuses like, it's so close to Christmas, Everybody is so busy with the holidays and whatever else I could say to lower my expectations.

But this year is going to be different. And it's going to different because I'm going to make it different. This year December 21st is significant. Some believe it's the end of the world. Others believe it is simply the end of the Mayan calendar. But either way, it's my birthday. It's my 61st birthday and I plan on making a big deal about it!!! So brace yourselves because December 21st is my birthday!


  1. It's on like a chicken bone, Chris! Whatcha want to do for your birthday? Wanna go to IHOP in the middle of the night and gorge ourselves on stuffed french toast and then head over to Poverty Point to climb the old mounds and watch the last few minutes of the Mayan calendar run out? Or perhaps a bonfire is in order... or a trip to Books A Million... or we can play Easy Money and giggle. :)

    1. I love you Little Red Hen! Whatever happens, I want you there!
