Monday, February 17, 2014

Advice for Young Women.

Getting old has been a journey that didn't come with special instructions. I don't remember anyone who is my age now, sitting me down and telling me about the facts of old age. Not to be confused with the facts of life. ...which you would think would include old age.

You would think that they would be willing to share their experiences with young folks. They sure didn't mind telling me how they raised their children. They didn't mind telling me how not to wear my clothes. They didn't mind telling me how they didn't like my music.

I had always heard that life begins at 40. I'm way past 40 now and I can tell you that was baloney. I heard that wisdom comes with old age. I'm not so sure that's true either.

So, I decided to take it upon myself to use my personal experiences to shed some light on a subject that should be shared:  "Getting old. "

First of all, let me just say to those of you out there who have been blessed with great legs.... Wear shorts. Wear them often and wear them, well, short. There will come a day when you can't show them off because the varicose veins and cellulite have made themselves at home.

For those of you who have been blessed with great boobs....Show them off. Show them off and be proud of them. Because there will come a day when you will find yourself looking for them under your arms, behind your back. Anywhere but where they use to be. And wrestling them into your bra will be your new Olympic sport.

For those of you who have been blessed with great hair. Flaunt it. Throw it around on your head and sling it with great pride. Because there will come a day when you find yourself paying less attention to the hair on your head and more attention to the hair growing under your nose. And we won't talk about what happens to your 'plumbing.' Let me just say that the fittings are loose and the pipes leak. And the gas lines are completely unpredictable.

For those of you who have never considered the day when your beauty will have faded and no one will give you a second look. Oh, you'll get second looks alright. And you'll question whether they are looking at the stuff you must have stuck between your teeth....or god forbid...hanging out of your nose.

Don't waste your precious time worrying about your weight. Be glad you're young. And don't hang around people who make you feel self conscious about your weight. They'll be the first to leave you when you're old.

So, my advice is this. Appreciate what you have. Appreciate what God has blessed you with. And work on your sense of humor more. Definitely work on your personality and sense of humor. Because at the end of your journey, when your beautiful hair is gone, your boobs are hanging around your waist and your legs will barely get you up a short flight of stairs, you'll need a sense of humor to get you through the day.

You're welcome.

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